How to Persevere When Job Searching During a Recession


The job market can be tough at the best of times, but during a recession, it can be even more challenging. With companies cutting back on hiring and many people competing for the same handful of positions, it's easy to become discouraged during your job search. However, there are practical steps you can take to persevere and make sure you're putting your best foot forward when looking for a job.

Stay Organized and Focused

When applying for jobs, having a game plan is essential. Researching job opportunities and creating a list of target companies or organizations will help you focus your efforts on the positions that are right for you. Once you have identified potential openings, make sure to keep track of them by setting up Google Alerts or using an online spreadsheet to monitor your progress. This will ensure that no opportunity slips through the cracks and give you an idea of where your application stands in the process.

Don’t Limit Yourself

If you come across a job posting that looks interesting but you doesn't quite match all the qualifications listed in the description, don’t be afraid to apply anyway! Employers often post ideal descriptions when they are recruiting but ultimately they will end up with someone whose skillset is slightly different from what was described in their posting. So let’s say for example there is a job posting for a Project Management position you are eyeing - the only caveat is the job posting requests that candidates have a Bachelor’s degree and you don’t have a formal college education. However, you have all of the skills listed in the job posting. The solution? Ensure your resume reflects all of your skills that are relevant to the position and submit that application!

Take Care of Yourself

Remember to not let yourself become overwhelmed by your job search - take time out each day for self-care! Whether this means taking a walk around your neighborhood or just taking some deep breaths and stretching in your living room, taking care of yourself is key when trying to persevere during this challenging time period. It can be tempting to glue yourself to your laptop screen when searching for a job - especially during times of economic instability. Ensure you make time to manage your stress levels so you can tackle your job search in the most effective and efficient manner.


Job searching during a recession can be difficult - there's no doubt about it - but it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom if you know how to stay organized, remain open-minded, and take care of yourself along the way. With these tips in mind, you'll put yourself in great shape should an opportunity arise that's right for you! Good luck!


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